October 04, 2012

Vives cerámica presents its latest series at Cersaie fair: Bunker and Naïf

Bunker, Industrial and Vintage Styles.

Vives ceramica
Bunker collection

Bunker is Vives’ latest collection. Comprising of different products, it follows a tendency which is becoming more and more talked about named Dirty Chic. A fusion between the already established industrial and vintage styles, aesthetically it is based on different materials including cement, concrete, iron, stone, wood and brick. It takes on the appearance of surfaces and textures worn down by time reinventing themselves.  

Vives ceramica tiles
Bunker collection

The magic of this type of decoration comes from the fusion between the past and the present making the new look more brilliant and the old and worn cosy and familiar. Recycling and drawing on inspiration something the fashion world has done for some time, has now arrived to the world of the interior design and decoration.

VIVES has invested in this new collection with it comprising of materials and elements so diverse as moulded concrete (Bunker), cement (Cerco), rusted steel (Amarre), aged and worn timber (Yugo), stone (Muro) and mud (Cob). Its diverse sizes ranging from the XXL 60x120 cm, to 45x90 cm, 14x90 cm, 60x60 cm, 30x60 cm and 20x60 cm.  The wall tiles named ZOCLO available in 20x50cm come with the same textures that are reproduced by its older sister: Cimbra, Cercha, Escala, and Har together with the decorative murals named Buril and Vano.

vives ceramica tiles
Naïf collection

Naïf, Intelligent and Spontaneous Design

This new collection of white biscuit 25x75cm is called Naïf. Striking due to its intelligent and spontaneous design and made up by varied colours and patterns (all of which combine together), is perfectly suited to create a fresh and pleasant area with a slight disorganized feel making the room striking and interesting in design. Following the latest artistic tendencies both pastel and intense gloss colours have been used. 

The products that make up the Naïf collection have been designed so that by using Naíf, Lune, Bande and Table, anyone can come up with designs that boast infinite shapes with different soft and plain designs or when used with  Lumiere turquesa, coral y ambar, atmospheres with intensive colours and geometric structures can be developed. We should also highlight the decorative pieces of Brosser, Huille and Toile which can be used together or separately and which can be used to test the most imaginative of minds. 

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